Life is a celebration of infinite possibilities!

TAoDN # 01

When people went out to do their things such as protesting their government, or making a lot of noises by clapping hands, or burning phone box and tyres on the streets, or firing M16 and granade launchers, I was too scary to go out of my condo. Sure, I was trying hard to do something useful, just to make my worries away.

So, I start to experiment with spices. Yes, spices are kind of stuffs your Mom put into boiled water to make many wonderful things. I follow Mom and boiled water.

Let's see what is my chemical formula that I want to try:

1 Cup of Boiling Water + 2 Pieces of Roselle + 1 Pieces of Star Anise + 2 Spoonful of Sugar + Lot of Ice Cube


Voila...!!! Refreshing drink that taste better that Fruit Tea of The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.

Try it yourself

Bangkok, 16 May 2010
What is Roselle?

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